Safe Surgeries accredited GP Practice



Portland Medical Centre is a Safe Surgery

This means that we are committed to providing equal access to our services for everyone in our practice area, regardless of their immigration status.

This is in line with our duties under NHS England guidelines for GP registration and informed by our knowledge of the barriers to healthcare faced by migrants in vulnerable circumstances.



Reception staff should keep the following five guidelines in mind when migrant patients seek to register with our practice:

1. Everyone in England has the right to be registered and consult with a GP, without charge, regardless of their immigration status.

2. If a patient doesn’t have proof of address or ID but say they are living in our catchment area, they should still be registered.

  • There are many reasons why a patient, particularly those in vulnerable situations, might not have access to these documents.

3. If a patient has difficulty communicating in English, use a telephone interpreter.

  • Google Translate might also be useful for basic non-clinical information.

4. Don’t ask about a patient’s immigration status, or to see proof of it. This information is not needed for registration and asking for it might intimidate some patients.

  • The GMS1 form includes ‘supplementary questions’ about immigration status, however patients don’t have to complete this section if they don’t want to.

5. If a patient is worried about giving a home address, you can also reassure them that their information is safe and won’t be used to trace them because of their immigration status.

  • If needed, you can also use the address of the practice or another place where post could reach them (like a mosque, church or community centre).

Providing NHS Services